Orbital and Oculoplastic surgery Department

The Orbital and Oculoplastic surgery Department has a long tradition of excellence at Tianjin Eye Hospital.It was founded by Prof.Guoxiang Song,an outstanding expert in this field in China.The mission of this department is to provide outstanding specialty patient care and education for residents and fellows.The department is one of earliest teaching units on orbital disease of Tianjin Medical University. Now under the leading of Prof. Hong Zhao, an excellent expert in this field, the department has already grown to considerable scale with eight doctors, in which two are senior clinical professors and three are associate clinical professors.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgeons are expert in all types of corrective and cosmetic surgery, related to the eyelids, eyebrow , forehead, and tear duct system as well as repair orbital trauma and congenital problems in adults and children. They also focus on the treatment of systemic illnesses, including thyroid disease and lymphoproliferative disorders that may affect the orbit (eye socket). In addition, they are specialized in the treatment of orbital fractures, nasolacrimal duct obstructions, periorbital and eyelid neoplasms, entropion and cetropion, and ptosis.

Approximately 5,000 patients a year are seen in the clinic and more than 1000 major surgical procedures and 4,000 minor procedures are performed, mostly are on an outpatient basis. Dr Hong Zhao , an excellent professor here, sees approximately 2000 new patients and consultations each year.
Depending on advanced facilities, such as 64 Row CT, Color Doppler Ultrasound, and B-Scan Ultrasound, Visual Electrophysiology, etc, the department has unique advantage in the medical service domestically.
The Department holds the National Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program every year, training doctors, doctorate and master students and fellows who come from other hospitals. Until now, more than 20 postgraduate students and over 100 fellows were trained in the department in the past 10 years.(2016.7)